The Power of Hypnotherapy

The Power of Hypnotherapy

Article by Serena Bostock The truth of the matter is…you’ve already been hypnotised! Hypnotherapists aren’t magical with special powers unless you really want it to believe they are…but what is … Read more

Categories FAQ

What happens when we die?

What happens when we die?

Many spiritual and non-spiritual philosophies have tried to answer the question: What happens when we die? If you are an atheist, you believe that we return to the earth, and … Read more

Categories FAQ

Is Psychic Tarot Reading evil?

Is Psychic Tarot Reading evil?

I always open my Psychic Tarot Reading with contracting and ask whether the clients have any concerns or worries about the reading. One time, one of my clients asked if … Read more

Categories FAQ

What are the chakras?

The Chakras

Have you ever heard about The Chakras and are unsure what they are all about? But curious to find out? You have come to the correct place. This guide to … Read more

Categories FAQ

What is the Aura?

the aura

The Aura is an electrical force which animates the earthly realm; it is the electrical current which gives us all the ability to be alive—this electrical current moves through our … Read more

Categories FAQ

What does Esoteric mean?

What does Esoteric Mean

For us, Esoteric, in particular, Esoteric Studies, is the study of the unseen cosmic etheric energies which exist within us and all around us all the time. Although the untrained … Read more

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