Many people who come to spirituality later in life will feel a sense of separation from their family, friends and job at the beginning of their spiritual journey. On the flip side, the goal is, in fact, spiritual integration, and in this post, I cover how you can go about achieving that.
A feeling of separation from society at the beginning of your spiritual journey is common, normal and natural.
Before spiritual integration, you may have had thoughts such as:
- “How can they not see that all of this is crazy?”
- “Why can’t they see or feel other people’s energies?”
- “Am I the only one who thinks this job is crazy”?
- “Why are they low-vibing so much?”
- “Am I the only “high-vibe” person here?”
- “I can only be around “high-vibe” people.

I have seen this pattern repeated again and again. In the beginning, many people also become drawn to the most far-out sensationalist spiritual experiences. Again, this is very normal, and often due to that, they find their “normal” life pretty dull.
I am all for people opening their minds to the spiritual, astral realm, but not at the cost of their overall wellbeing. Unfortunately, there is a clear path of dissociation, which, again, is normal, but spirituality is not meant to separate us; it is, in fact, meant to bring us closer together and create unity, and we should practice spiritual integration.
I believe in the existence of our Aura, Chakras, Past Lives, Divination, Healing, Spirit Guides, and much more. Even still, the earthly realm is precisely the way it is meant to be, and some people in the spiritual space tend to make the spiritual and astral realm more fanciful than it actually is.
My experience is that there is a vast nothingness: no angelic or other types of domains. By making it more fanciful than it is, the experience, in my opinion, becomes more shallow and ego-driven. Because it is when we truly let go and step into the endlessness of the spiritual realm that we can understand how it all actually comes together.
So much of how we interact with the spiritual realm, like any other experience, has become conditioned by traditional and pop culture.
The key is to release all that, let go of all the physical expectations, and remain as grounded as possible throughout the experience.
Sometimes, these meditative experiences can feel incredibly trippy, and that is useful because then we know that our existence is so much more than what we can see through our five known senses. Still, afterwards, we will want to plant our feet firmly back on the ground.
The goal is not to be unique and have access to “special” knowledge, which the “normies” do not have access to.
Spiritual integration is never about the destination; it is about the journey. On the journey, you may learn that we have lived before and will live again. Not in a sinful kind of way, by in a learning-journey sort of way.
By realising that, you hopefully gain a sense of inner peace and calm.
We are all on a spiritual journey; no one is more special than the next. Some of us may be more aware of this reality this time around, but that does not make us better.
Knowing that everyone is on a spiritual journey means that the way you behave and others’ behaviour is only sometimes up to them. It is a part of their spiritual journey.
This does not excuse bad behaviour, not being accountable and taking responsibility. We still have some free will, and some elements of our path will unfold as we choose.
Spiritual Integration is the Goal
You can have a 9-5 job and be incredibly spiritual. The trick is to integrate your spiritual awareness into your daily life. There are many ways to achieve spiritual integration instead of seperation and dissasosiation.
Some are be more traditionally spiritual, whilst others less so. In the end, they are all spiritual.
Boundaries – do not take any BS.

The most essential psychological concept I have ever learnt about is setting healthy boundaries. I hope that by becoming more spiritually awake, anyone will become more aware of their boundaries and learn to say no at work and home.
To have a job and work is essential, but not all day, every day.
Building spiritual awareness is not about becoming more compliant or overtly humble. Sometimes it is, but it is also about letting people know when they have overstepped.
So often, people self-sabotage themselves in relationships and do not listen to their needs.
Many people “have to do something” after work. Often because they hate their job, but you don’t always need “do something”. You can go home, rest, recover, and slow down.
Spiritual awareness should give you the inner strength to say no, slow down, and live authentically.
Practising self-love – looking after your wellbeing.
For one reason or another, many people suffer from low self-worth. This often leads to people making poor decisions for their wellbeing.
Building spiritual awareness should help you raise your self-worth at least to a baseline, and from there, you will begin to make healthier decisions.
Meditate regularly – create calm in your life.
Meditation is the beginning and end of all spiritual development. You can, of course, be spiritual and engage in psychic activities without practising meditation.
Even still, practising meditation will calm your mind and open doors within your being.
Opening those doors will raise your spiritual awareness.
Offer kindness and compassion – see people for who they are.
Our life flies by so quickly, and each of our lives is important. Regardless of how you feel or think about it. Therefore, do your best to offer kindness and compassion as often as possible.
I am not suggesting that you should be a doormat; the default should be kindness and compassion.
Strive for authenticity – only be you.
Being anyone else but you is tedious and an energy drain. That said, being authentic is hard because cultural norms, advertisements and other social agents try to influence you all the time.
Still, there is an authentic essence within you, and with meditation and spiritual growth, you can come closer to that.
Ask your Spirit Guides for help – they will help you.
You do have Spirit Guides, and they want to help us. Because you have free will, they are only sometimes able to.
Open your mind to their guidance, and it will come.
Do not hold on too hard – practice healthy detachment.
Spirituality is freedom in the sense that we know everything temporary, and everything comes to an end.
So never hold on too hard, but you don’t want to be too detached either.
Somewhere in-between is the goal.
Know your purpose – find contentment.

We all have a purpose in life, whether we are aware of that or not. Through meditation and self-awareness work, you will find your purpose, and that will give you a reason to live and a sense of direction.
Know your values – practice acceptance.
Your values will guide your life, whether you are aware of them or not. The best thing is to become aware of them and figure out how they influence your choices.
When you do, you can begin to change, influencing your sense of purpose.
Do not get caught up in fanciful spiritual sensationalism.
One recommendation you do not need to follow if you don’t like to, but don’t get caught up in fanciful spiritual sensationalism because that will not give you real depth.
There are some ways to practice spiritual integration.
As I said, spiritual integration is the goal, not separation. Let your spirituality bring you a sense of contentment, happiness and peace.
In the spiritual healing sessions I do with clients; spiritual integration is a topic which often shows up.